Doha Metro Gold Line Underground Project

The Doha Metro Gold Line Underground Project
Doha, Qatar

The Gold Line Underground involves the construction of 10 underground stations with over 30 km of tunnel. On a massive project such as the Gold Line, the capability of the formwork supplier is critical. The selection of PERI for this project demonstrates the trust in PERI proven capabilities to deliver world class solutions and superior services during the ongoing construction process.








  • Benefits
    The Joint Venture benefitted from PERI's superior capability to manage timely deliveries to all ongoing stations
  • Benefits
    PERI designed the delivery of materials in such a way that it was able to be re-used on many other structures and with faster cycles thus proving very cost effective
  • Benefits
    PERI managed to optimise the solutions with “out-of-the-box“ thinking according to each stations challenges and difficulties
  • Benefits
    Continuous coordination between PERI technical team with the project engineers along with the consultants
  • Benefits
    PERI experienced site supervision team assuared the joint venture of great communication and technical support on a daily basis

The Project

Impressions from the project process

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Doha Metro Gold Line Underground Project
Doha Metro Gold Line Underground Project